Biosolids Disposal, Reduce, Science
3.2 Quantify the cost and effectiveness of biosolids disposition Key Message: Because most biosolids are generated by municipal wastewater treatment facilities, emerging markets for biosolids products may offer economic and environmental benefits to communities....
Fertilizer Management & Soil Regeneration, Reduce, Science
4.1 Estimate nutrient loading from fertilizer Key Message: Understanding the relative contribution of fertilizer to nutrient loading can help prioritize management strategies. Loads may reasonably be estimated through an approach that calculates nutrient budget...
Atmospheric Deposition & Clean Machines, Reduce, Science
5.1 Estimate nitrogen loading from atmospheric deposition using multiple monitoring stations within urban areas Key Message: Atmospheric deposition, both direct and indirect, is a major source of nitrogen to water and land in Sarasota County. Additional monitoring...
Remove, Science, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.1 Estimate annual nutrient loads in surface water Key Message: Robust long-term monitoring and modeling programs that take into account surface and subsurface runoff, stream flows, and organic and inorganic nitrogen concentrations are essential for accurately...
Remove, Science, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.2 Quantify costs and effectiveness of stormwater best management practices Key Message: Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) can capture and treat nutrient-laden runoff before discharge to water bodies, some with greater efficiency than others. Where...
Habitat and Species Enhancement and Restoration, Remove, Science
8.1 Restore and enhance wetland and shoreline habitats to increase nutrient uptake and storage by plants Key Message: Protecting, restoring and enhancing wetlands and shorelines is among the most cost-effective nutrient reduction and climate mitigation tools available...
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