Remove, Science, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.1 Estimate annual nutrient loads in surface water Key Message: Robust long-term monitoring and modeling programs that take into account surface and subsurface runoff, stream flows, and organic and inorganic nitrogen concentrations are essential for accurately...
Remove, Science, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.2 Quantify costs and effectiveness of stormwater best management practices Key Message: Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) can capture and treat nutrient-laden runoff before discharge to water bodies, some with greater efficiency than others. Where...
Policy, Remove, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.3 Update state stormwater treatment rules to require use of best science for nutrient reduction Key Message: Florida’s current stormwater regulations were adopted in the 1980s, and research has shown that conventional stormwater treatments do not meet nutrient...
Policy, Remove, Stormwater System Design & Maintenance
6.4 Adopt or update local ordinances to provide guidelines for stormwater pond management Key Message: Stormwater ponds and canals must be maintained to retain their nutrient removal efficiency, yet are generally lacking in long-term maintenance. Local ordinances...
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